Temperature Controller

Temperature Controller


SCS temperature controller is the latest version of the thermal expansion type temperature controls. It provided with two Adjustment (1) temperature set point control and (2) a new unique proportionality control. The temperature set point control permits the instrument to be set at any position from -50°F to +750°F. the proportionality allows the operator to set the temperature span desirable. The proportionality control is calibrated from 5°F to 60°F which is the temperature change required to produce 0.2 to 1kg/cm2 output. The orifice in the seats is drilled eccentrically so that rotating the seat moves the orifice with respect to the adjusting screw. This regulates the amount the orifice is opened per degree to temperature reduction.


The temperature controller utilizes the difference in thermal expansion co-efficient of two materials to produce a mechanical motion. The sensing element of the controller is installed in the vessel. Temperature changes surrounding the element causes the following reactions:

  1. The inner metal rod will expand on temperature increase on contract as temperature decreases. The change in length is proportional to the temperature change occurring.
  2. The change in length outer metal tube, which has low expansion co-efficient, is negligible. However since one end is attached to the outer metal tube, the inner rod moves as the outer tube changes length.
  3. The opposite end of the inner rod pushes against and supports a floating link, holding it concentric with a spring loaded inner valve. With a decrease temperature the inner rod applies pressure on floating link. Causing it to pivot around the adjustment fulcrum point which tilts the inner valve plug of its seat allowing the output signal to increase. The temperature adjustment knob adjusts the set point by moving fulcrum point up or down.
  4. Specifications:


    Operating Pressure:20kg/cm2
    Temperature:-50°F to +750°F
    Set Point:Provided
    Insertion Length:295mm
    Supply:1.4kg/cm2 (natural gas/compressed gas)
    Output:0.2 to 1kg/cm2
    Thermowell:3/4" NPT threads/SS316
    Air Connection:¼" NPT
    Action:REVERSE (increase in temp. decreases output)

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